30 May 2024 Brussels/Geneva

Recommendations from the fragrance industry for the EU 2024-2029 mandate

Brussels/Geneva, 27 May 2024 – With the 2024 European Union elections ahead, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has published a series of policy recommendations. Through its five policy recommendations, IFRA reaffirms its commitment to advancing safe, sustainable, and innovative fragrance practices and offers concrete suggestions to help incoming EU policy makers shift towards a more competitive, resilient European Union.

“The outgoing EU mandate established plans for climate transformation and a transition pathway for the chemical industry”, said Aurelie Perrichet, Regional Director for Europe, IFRA. “The forthcoming term should prioritize the development of a European Industrial Deal that revitalizes competitiveness and reinforces industrial investment and innovation”.

“This European Industrial Deal should complement the Green Deal, aiming for a sustainable, carbon-neutral future by leveraging Europe’s leading scientific, socioeconomic, and cultural resources”, added Ms Perrichet.

In presenting these five S-H-I-F-T recommendations, the fragrance industry is calling for robust cooperation between EU policymakers and industry to enable the implementation of now-adopted Green Deal initiatives, to revitalize European competitiveness, and bolster the business case for industrial investment and innovation in Europe.

Summary of the IFRA Policy Recommendations: A SHIFT to a more resilient and competitive Europe

  1. Stimulate Innovation; Preserve Our Heritage: Consider the interplay between innovation and cultural heritage when evaluating new and existing rules by making use of the policymaking tools available.
  2. Harness Our Success: Leverage the fragrance industry’s proven safety and sustainability initiatives and expertise in the policy design process.
  3. Involve the Value Chain: Embrace the industry’s expertise as a valuable resource for meaningful legislation.
  4. Follow the Science: Base decision-making on robust science and data, preserving an exposure-based risk assessment approach.
  5. Tune to Compete: Design and refine legislation for both competitiveness and environmental goals.

The Way Forward

IFRA urges the full implementation of the European Commission’s Better Regulation Toolbox to ensure new and existing legislation supports innovation, preserves cultural heritage, and stimulates regional development and SMEs around Europe. Building on the fragrance industry’s proven track record, future EU policies should prioritize a bottom-up approach to policymaking, engaging industry expertise from early stages of the process.

The fragrance industry, characterized by its rich heritage and innovative capacity, plays a vital role in Europe’s economy and society. With approximately 20,000 people employed and a turnover estimated at €8 billion in Europe – half of it being generated by SMEs – it is crucial for the upcoming mandate to foster an environment that supports the sustainable growth of this sector, at the heart of a sophisticated value chain, and ultimately its entire ecosystem.

“Preserving the distinctiveness of the fragrance industry is paramount for the sustainable growth of our sector, which in turn is vital for maintaining Europe’s economic success story. These ‘S-H-I-F-T' recommendations detail how a forward-looking strategy, with mutual engagement between policymakers and industries such as the fragrance sector, can ensure the success of the next EU mandate”, concluded Ms Perrichet.

The IFRA SHIFT EU policy recommendations are available in print and at www.shift2024.eu



Notes for editors


Charles de Lusignan

Global Communications Director

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA)


About the International Fragrance Association (IFRA)

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA comprises seven multinational Regular Members and 23 national associations in four global regions representing hundreds of small and medium-sized fragrance ingredient manufacturers, as well as supporting members. Its mission is to promote the safe use of fragrance for everyone’s enjoyment.

Fragrances are a key platform technology used by consumer goods companies – for fine fragrances, personal care products, household care and more.

IFRA’s flagship safe use program, the IFRA Standards, applies safety management measures based on scientific assessment and the evaluations of an independent Expert Panel. The program is at the heart of the IFRA Code of Practice, which applies to all IFRA members globally, including members of IFRA’s national associations. The Code also requires members to abide by local, national and international regulations, and to apply good manufacturing practices.

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