The IFRA Fragrance Ingredient Glossary is a harmonized glossary of positive olfactory descriptors of fragrance ingredients using simple terms and language.
The IFRA Fragrance Ingredient Glossary is available for download via the link on the right, subject to compliance with the FIG Terms of Use.
The FIG has been subject to legal review. In compliance with competition law and legal advice, it is an inclusive and collaborative database that is covered by copyright and ‘owned’ by the industry.
All use of the FIG, in whole or in part, must give credit to The International Fragrance Association (see terms of use for more details).
The use of the FIG is voluntary. Members are encouraged to use the FIG, or to develop any alternative approaches should they wish to do so.
The FIG is the result of many months’ work by a multi-country, multi-company Glossary Working Group and was the subject of a global consultation among IFRA members.
The Working Group included representatives of large, medium-sized and small fragrance houses from around the world. Team members include industry professionals with broad cross-functional expertise.
The FIG covers all materials on the IFRA Transparency List (other than functional ingredients not used for odor-giving properties) and includes a primary descriptor and two other descriptors.
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